Kudos to you for being a member of PSCCU where not only are you a part owner of this financial cooperative, but you also play a role in environmental sustainability, financial security for others, and job creation. And because we are all in this together, when you deposit money, we use that money to lend to others and when you need a loan, your fellow members' deposits help us lend to you. How awesome is that?! So really, you could say we're a financial cooperative with a social conscience all in one.
Sure, we offer all the financial products and management tools you should need, but we diversify ourselves by incorporating a pay-it-forward approach to our members, the environment and communities. Just a few ways we accomplish this is by:
Partnering with several state, county and community organizations that offer programs and resources for a variety of "green" options for your home, made affordable by our Energy-Smart program!
Creating jobs that in turn support the local economy because of our partnerships and products
Also offering GreenUp Loans (bicycle and equipment, and auto loans for electric, plug-in hybrid, and hybrid vehicles), eStatements (paperless statements) and Online Banking & Bill Pay (paperless banking)
So you see, we empower our members to do more than they thought they could with their banking relationship. We have a great respect and commitment for our combined social, economic and environmental convictions and have built, and will continue to build our financial cooperative around these ideals. From this, we can proudly and confidently claim:
We are Washington’s Socially-Responsible Green Credit Union.
And our number one priorities are:
Our Members - our owners, the reason we exist and who we proudly serve
Our Communities - from our members' neighborhoods to those with shared goals and ideals
The Local Economy - areas throughout Washington State where our members and partners live, work and play
Sustainable Energy - serving the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
Job Creation - new opportunities for living wage green jobs within our shared communities
The Environment - the natural world, especially as affected by human activity, that we focus our efforts to help protect and thrive
As a symbol of
our unwavering commitment, the PSCCU Socially-Responsible Banking Seal has been developed and will be used in support of our socially-responsible banking products, services and initiatives. So whenever you see our Seal, you'll be able to learn about and participate in efforts we're taking to help protect, sustain and improve the environment, our members and our local economy.