Starting Monday, May 23, 2022, PSCCU is implementing a new fraud-prevention system designed to better protect your accounts and reduce fraud losses to the credit union.
If we suspect fraud on your account, you may receive a real-time text alert that prompts you to either allow or decline a transaction. This system may be triggered if you make a purchase from abroad or from a location or in a dollar amount that is outside of your normal spending pattern.
For example, a text-based message may look like this:
FreeMsg: ICCU transaction on card ending 9999: $54.95 Processed by Vendor Name, City, State. If authorized reply YES, if not reply NO. To Opt Out reply STOP.
If you receive a notification about a transaction that you have authorized, simply Reply YES and the transaction will be allowed to proceed. If it is not a legitimate transaction, Reply NO and the transaction will be blocked. (You may opt out of the system by replying STOP.) Either way, you will receive a confirmation message telling you what steps to take next, if any.
Please note that this secure system will NEVER ask you to include any sensitive information (such as card or account number, social security number, PIN, or birthday) in your reply.
When you plan to be traveling, contact PSCCU to let us know when and where you will be so that we can prevent false notifications.
If you need to update your mobile phone number or have any questions about the new alert system, please contact us.