Be a part of the leadership of YOUR credit union—
Volunteer to join the Supervisory & Audit Committee (SAC)
The SAC stays fully informed as to the financial condition of the Credit Union, ensures accurate records and safeguards member assets. The committee meets quarterly and is invited to monthly Board meetings. Audit or financial background preferred. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
The Supervisory Committee is appointed by the Board to:
Act as the “watchdog” of the credit union to protect and safeguard member assets
Ensure that records are maintained properly, honestly and accurately
Make sure that policies are established according to law and carried out faithfully
Check to see that proper internal controls are in place
Ensure that members receive the best possible service
Who Can be a Supervisory Committee Member?
Must be a member of the credit union
Must be bondable by the credit union’s surety bond company
Cannot be related to any credit union employee
Make recommendations to Board based on findings of auditor and examiner
Conduct the annual audit/hire auditor (PSCCU SAC hires an Auditor)
Verification of accounts every two years
Present report at annual meeting
Review minutes of Board and Credit Committee meetings
Review policies and procedures
Safeguard member assets
Review Credit Union operations
Cooperate with regulatory agencies
Maintain record of all actions taken by Supervisory Committee
Furnish any documents requested by auditor or examiner
Term is 3 years